Regaining Server Admin

User privileges for Teamspeak are stored in your Teamspeak client.  If you have reinstalled your operating system, or deleted your Teamspeak settings, you will lose admin privileges for your server.  In order to regain your admin you will need a new privilege key.  To generate a new privilege key first login to your OrgPack account.

Once you've logged in find the box that lists your active services, locate the Teamspeak server you need a key for, and click.

Active Products

On the product details page for your Teamspeak server locate the menu on the left side.  This menu has an option to E-mail Privilege Key.  Click this link and a privilege key will be e-mailed to you within several minutes.

E-mail Privilege Key

Once the key has been generated you should see a green success message appear next to the Actions menu.

Privilege Key Success

If you get a red error message please file a support ticket and our support team will be happy to assist you.

Once you have your privilege key you can refer to our new server setup article if you have questions about how to use it:

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